Barstool Philly Fireside Chat - What Are The Best Beach Games Out There?

New setup for the chat as we shacked up in @BarstoolFranco’s living room that may or may not be in Buffalo Bill’s dungeon. Surprisingly we got in a productive chat even though dead animals and whiskey aged 10 years were relentlessly eyeing me down the entire time.

A sample of random topics we discussed live: #2 writer, viceroys, shitting, Sixers, go-to shots, docking (again), getting fat, ethnic friends, the best wings in Philly and jerking off Nate for some reason. All unedited, honest gut reactions to whatever degenerative questions you asked.

Favorite question came to the tune of best beach games. Not an easy question to dance with accurately live as there are millions to choose from. If I were to throw out the go-to’s it would be Football, Whiffle ball, Paddle-Ball, Aerobee, or drunken Bocce Ball. Overrated: Volleyball. Underrated: Digging a hole and defending it from the ocean. Solid pastime. If you’re in your dry hole surrounded by water during high tide you might as well be raising the American Flag at Iwo Jima.

Email in or Tweet #BSPhilly at @Smittybarstool or @BarstoolFranco if you have anything noble worth sharing. Barstool Philly Fireside Chats are LIVE every Tuesday night from 9-9:20.

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